{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The purpose of this layer is to define the area encompassed by the Greater Rochester International Airport in Monroe County, New York. This layer is one of many aviation layers used by the Monroe County Department of Environmental Services (DES) for maintenance, as well as, other mapping needs.", "description": "

This is a vector polygon file that represents the area encompassed by the Greater Rochester Internaitonal Airport in Monroe County, New York. This includes, but is not limited to, the runways, terminal, control towers, concourse, and surrounding roads. <\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "The purpose of this layer is to define the area encompassed by the Greater Rochester International Airport in Monroe County, New York. This layer is one of many aviation layers used by the Monroe County Department of Environmental Services (DES) for maintenance, as well as, other mapping needs.", "title": "MCPLN.MCGIS_Airport_Area", "tags": [ "Airport Area", "Airport", "Runway", "Terminal", "Concourse", "Aviation", "FAA", "Airfield", "Airpark" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": "NaN", "maxScale": "NaN", "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "This layer was created by Monroe County Department of Environmental Services (DES) in 2008. Clough Harbor and Associates created a Master Plan which included an airport layout plan drawing, which Monroe County DES used to digitize into GIS format. (2008, Monroe County Department of Environmental Services, Rochester, NY).", "licenseInfo": "Monroe County provides Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data as a service to the public.\n Neither the County of Monroe nor any of its contractors make any representations, warranties (express or implied), \n or guarantees concerning the suitability, accuracy, authenticity, or reliability of this data or any other data incorporated therein. \n Your use of this information is at your own risk. The County of Monroe, its officers, employees, agents, and contractors shall not be held \n liable for errors contained herein or for any direct, consequential, incidental or special damages, including but not limited to, attorney fees, \n as a result of the data and/or the information contained therein. By clicking on the accept button below, you acknowledge that you have read the \n above disclaimer, understand its terms and conditions, and hereby accept these terms and conditions and agree to waive and release the County of Monroe,\n its officers, employees, agents, and contractors from any such liability. (December 03, 2020)\n\n\nAccess Constraint: Some data layers can be purchased on CD by written request from the Monroe County Aviation Department (Per Gary Gaskin, Airport Engineer, November 8, 2011).\n\nUse Constraint: The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes only. Use of this information is for the primary viewer or purchaser and is not intended for second party distribution. Monroe County, New York and their mapping and software consultants provide this GIS data and metadata with no claim as to the completeness, usefulness, or accuracy of its content, positional or otherwise. Your use and browsing of information is at your own risk. In providing this data and application or access to it, Monroe County, New York assumes no obligation to assist the user in the use of such data or in the development, use, or maintenance of any applications applied to or associated with the data or metadata (Per Gary Gaskin, Airport Engineer, November 8, 2011).", "portalUrl": "" }