{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The purpose of this layer is to define tax parcels within Monroe County, New York. This layer is one of many layers used by the Monroe County Department of Environmental Services (DES) for mapping, geocoding, and querying purposes.", "description": "
This is a vector file that represents tax parcels boundaries in Monroe County, New York. According to ยง 102. Definitions (of the Real Property Tax Law of New York State):<\/SPAN><\/P> \"Parcel\" means a separately assessed lot, parcel, piece or portion of real property, except publicly owned bridges and land used for street, road, highway or parkway purposes. A parcel shall not be bisected by a municipal corporation boundary line except that in a special assessing unit a parcel may be bisected by a school district or village boundary line. <\/SPAN><\/P> For more information on parcels, see the \"Parcel\" feature class in the RPS_Parcels feature dataset that is maintained by the Monroe County Real Property Services (RPS) department from which this layer was created. The difference between this parcel feature class and the RPS parcel feature class is the latter is updated daily by RPS staff by digitizing new parcel features and does not contain assessment roll data. This layer is recreated biannually by DES staff by joining RPS parcels with the same assessment roll data used to create the Base_County_Parcel_Centroids feature class.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"summary": "The purpose of this layer is to define tax parcels within Monroe County, New York. This layer is one of many layers used by the Monroe County Department of Environmental Services (DES) for mapping, geocoding, and querying purposes.",
"title": "MCPLN.Agricultural_Districts_500f",
"tags": [
"County Parcels",
"Tax Parcels. Tax Maps",
"Real Property",
"Assessment Maps"
"type": "",
"typeKeywords": [],
"thumbnail": "",
"url": "",
"minScale": 150000000,
"maxScale": 5000,
"spatialReference": "",
"accessInformation": "This layer was created by the Monroe County Department of Environmental Services (DES). This layer is recreated twice a year in January and July by DES staff by joining RPS assessment data to the Parcel feature class that is maintained daily by the Monroe County Real Property Services Department. The older version of the feature class is archived after a new version has been created (August 2016, Monroe County Department of Environmental Services, Rochester, NY).",
"licenseInfo": " Access Constraint: Some data layers can be purchased on CD by written request from the Monroe County Department of Environmental Services (DES). Use Constraint: The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes only. Use of this information is for the primary viewer or purchaser and is not intended for second party distribution. Monroe County, New York and their mapping and software consultants provide this GIS data and metadata with no claim as to the completeness, usefulness, or accuracy of its content, positional or otherwise. Your use and browsing of information is at your own risk. In providing this data and application or access to it, Monroe County, New York assumes no obligation to assist the user in the use of such data or in the development, use, or maintenance of any applications applied to or associated with the data or metadata.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>",
"portalUrl": ""